[vc_row][vc_column][dt_sc_empty_space margin_lg=”50″ margin_md=”50″ margin_sm=”50″ margin_xs=”50″ el_id=”1635054655094-5bd58035-6d4e”][ultimate_heading main_heading=”Mentorship, Sponsors and Scholarships”][/ultimate_heading][dt_sc_empty_space margin_lg=”50″ margin_md=”50″ margin_sm=”50″ margin_xs=”50″ el_id=”1635054659472-ef462bf1-f527″][vc_column_text]Like any successful company, we rely on the kindness of others to dedicate their skills, knowledge & financial help for a good cause. Our team at Me2 want to build a community where everyone is welcome to get involved. We are always looking for Mentors, Sponsors & Scholars.

Can you offer your time & impart your talent to others? As a mentor, you would bridge the gap between an individual & organisation passing on valuable insight giving a positive ripple effect of learning & professional development.

Another way you could help is to Sponsor a trainee for the vocational 4-week programme? through your generosity, you could be the platform to change & evolve a Youth or a Disabled person’s future.

A scholarship like a sponsor provides an opportunity for youths @ risk & disabled persons a chance to gain new skills & essential work standards, trainees may have trouble paying for the program themselves because they might not qualify for a grant, without assistance from an outside source they wouldn’t be able to take part in this process. Therefore, scholarships are at times paramount to the growth & development of our trainees.

We want to thank all our corporates and individuals who want to be part of the Me2 journey of opportunities for development.

We appreciate all your constant support.[/vc_column_text][dt_sc_empty_space margin_lg=”50″ margin_md=”50″ margin_sm=”50″ margin_xs=”50″ el_id=”1635054674692-feb66cc1-150c”][dt_sc_empty_space margin_lg=”50″ margin_md=”50″ margin_sm=”50″ margin_xs=”50″ el_id=”1635861447593-d58bb8ae-25a7″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height=”yes” el_id=”Three Box”][vc_column width=”1/3″][dt_sc_iconbox icon_type=”css_class” icon_css_class=”zmdi zmdi-graduation-cap zmdi-hc-fw” class=”custom-style” title=”Join Our Team” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.me2.com.sg%2Fjoin-our-team%2F|title:Join%20Our%20Team|target:_blank”]We are constantly looking for passionate people. Contact us to learn about joining out team.

Learn More[/dt_sc_iconbox][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][dt_sc_iconbox icon_type=”css_class” icon_css_class=”zmdi zmdi-info zmdi-hc-fw” class=”custom-style” title=”How it Works?” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.me2.com.sg%2Four-training%2F|title:Our%20Training”]For youths and special needs. Learn about our programs or how to partner with Me2.

Learn More[/dt_sc_iconbox][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][dt_sc_iconbox icon_type=”css_class” icon_css_class=”zmdi zmdi-book zmdi-hc-fw” class=”custom-style” title=”Students Resources” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.me2.com.sg%2Fstudent-resources%2F|title:Student%20Resources”]Parent and Student Resources. Frequently Asked Questions.

Learn More[/dt_sc_iconbox][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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